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diamond tooling is 100x the life of carbide tools---Prices may change without notice !
In the right application, using PCD tooling can reduce your tooling cost significantly. PCD (Polycrystalline Diamond) has been used in the wood/composites industry for over 35 years due to its abrasion resistant properties and hardness. This synthetic cutting edge material was pioneered by General Electric’s Specialty Materials Division. PCD is composed of diamond particles that are sintered with a metallic binder at extreme temperatures and pressures, creating the hardest and one of the most abrasion resistant materials used in cutting tools. Tooling that utilizes this specialized material is now used in a wide range of machining applications including sawing, routing, drilling and profiling to maximize tool life and reduce production cost. Ideal material applications include cutting chipboard, MDF, particle board, HDF, and many composite materials including solid surface, fiberglass and phenolic. If you are considering using diamond tooling or if you have any questions concerning the feasibility of using polycrystalline diamond tooling, you can count on NORCOSAW to provide the support and knowledge you demand to clarify your toughest machining issues, click here to contact us now. In addition to delivery your state-of-the-art PCD tools, we also sharpen PCDiamond tooling.

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Site Title Whiteside Router Bits, Freeborn Shaper Cutters, & Forstner Bits - WoodshedTools.com Site Description Router Bits, Shaper Cutters, & Forstner Bits - WoodshedTools.com features Whiteside router bits, Freeborn Shaper cutters, and Forstner bits from Convalco. Insert shaper cutters, custom router bits, & custom shaper cutters also available. Keywords and Tags Whiteside router bits Freeborn shaper cutters forstner bits CNC router bits stile & rail router bits dovetail router bits solid carbide router bits raised panel router bits custom router bits tongue & groove router bits cope & pattern shaper cutters raised panel shaper cutters carbide shaper cutters shaper bits custom shaper cutters forstner bits forstner drillbits forstner bit sets forstner bit sizes large forstner bits dmoz Listings Top» Shopping» Tools» Woodworking fine woodworking,cnc tooling,woodshop,MLCS Router Bits Index - MLCS Woodworkingwww.mlcswoodworking.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/.../routerbit.htmlMLCS Carbide Tipped Router Bits feature hundreds of styles for any woodworking project.Flush Trim - Straight Bits - MLCS solid carbide router bits - Slot Cutter
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Up-Cut Spiral Mortising Router ... - Rockler Straight, 2-Flute ... - Chamfer - Router Bits
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